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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
from the house of SURYA 30
from the house of wills 25, 34
front view of doll 41
g +head of animal 3
garden of spiritual wisdom 41
gh makers of ZEN +peacock 8
gifts of love +heart 16
head of rabbit 34
head of women 3
hennell of bond-street 14
honey CHEW +cartoon of bee 30
house of ATLAS 9
house of SARA LEE 14, 29
house of style 9
i DLF mall of india gurgaon 35, 36, 37
i INFORCE power of fashion 24
idol of woman 21
idol of women & ovals 5
incense of love +god 3
indian academy of support 16
indo-arya academy of englis 9
institute of engineering 41
institute of international 41
institute of public health 16
institute of solar power 16, 41
ipsa +cartoon of man 25
isha ruchi the taste of ish 29, 30
isha spice the taste of ish 30
journal of business researc 41
k spice of malwan +trees 29
kanishka emperor of hair oi 5
kerala institute of fashion 41
king of gins 33
king of quality KENSON 11
kitchen's of india I.T.C. 29
kwality's +cartoon of chef 29
love of india LEHAR tea 30
major +face of man 16
mall of india +circles 36
mark of distinction COMEX 12
mark of excellence +tree 30
mark of purity +hands birds 30
mark of quality & standard 24
mark of quality +deer 3
mark SINTEX of quality 17
masked face of man 34
miracles of mother-tincture 5
mural of face 36, 37, 42
national school of design 41
natural ice cream of juhu 29
now isp network of the worl 9
ohio ART the world of toys 28
oil of kerala MALHAR +tree 3
out of india +elephants 3, 8, 14, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 35, 43
p PARADISE peace of mind 9
palaces of india +circle 39
palm of hand 7, 9
photo of jeep 30
photograph of a room 35
photographs of mr. dev anan 41
portrait of a family 2
portrait of a goddess 30
portrait of a man 2
portrait of applicant's son 34
portrait of boy 34
portrait of ganesh in circl 34
portrait of god 5
portrait of kali 30
portrait of man 3, 16
portrait of shri daulat ram 30
power of zodiac jewellery 14
pride of asia VAZIR 32
quality produce of india 31
real taste of malabar +face 30
republic of noodles +star 42
school of computer graphics 41
seal of purity PJS PARIVAR 30
sev marchal +face of cat 9
sf AAUGSBURG first of best 25
shades of paradise SWAYAM 24
side view of doll 41
silks of india +butterfly 40
society world of LUXURY 16
sri sri the art of living 3, 5
sri the art of living +bird 9
ssy CAPTURE the best of lif 16
state express of london 34
statue of girls flag & spea 25
statue of liberty 2, 17, 36
super coat plaster of paris 19
symbol of quality +bird ova 13
symbol of quality PEA +plan 30
tanjore treasure of gold 24
taste of india +flowers 42
taste of nation 29
taste of nature HI-CHOICE 30
taste of nature hi-choice 29, 31
taste of tongue WITH RAKSH 30
temple of silks for sarees 24
temple of trust +flower 17
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